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Treatment Methods


Treatment methods at Crow Heart Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs are selected based on the needs of each patient. Methods selected are always used with the patient's permission. Treatment methods can include the following:


ACUPUNCTURE: Acupuncturists use extremely thin (0.14 mm to 0.25 mm on average), stainless steel, disposable needles on the acupuncture points. Points are selected according to each patient's symptoms and constitution. Points used may change from one treatment to the next.


MOXIBUSTION: Moxibustion is a form of heat treatment placed on or near select acupuncture points. The word means "burning herb." There are many kinds of "moxa" and different ways the moxa herbs can be applied (indirect moxa or "stick" moxa is held near the points; direct moxa are tiny cones placed on the points). Moxibustion treatment is used for many reasons including to warm meridians and expel cold, to strengthen the body, to prevent disease, and to assist healing in injuries or for fertility support.


CHINESE HERBS: Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to help patients regain harmony and balance in their bodies. Herbal formulas are very specific to a patient's constitution and particular symptoms. Herbs can be administered in pill form, powder, or raw (which are cooked as a tea). Depending the patient's condition, herbs may be the most important part of the patient's treatment.


CUPPING: Various sizes of glass "cups" are heated on the inside and placed onto the patient's body (often on the back). The heat creates suction and the cups either remain stationary or are moved over an area of the body (using oil on the skin) to aid in the healing of muscular aches and pains. Cupping may also be done on the back of the legs and buttocks as an effective treatment for cellulite. There are additional cupping techniques for other ailments such as anxiety, stomach disorders, etc. Cupping leaves temporary marks on the surface of the skin, which typically disappear in a few days.  Most people find the sensation of cupping to be pleasant.


GUA SHA: "Gua Sha" literally means "to scrape away fever" and may be used on the upper back and neck as a treatment for colds and flus. It may also be used for muscular pain. Like cupping, gua sha may leave temporary marks on the surface of the skin that disappear in a few days. There are various tools used to perform gua sha, though a ceramic soup spoon works very well for this method.


ELECTRO-STIMULATION: Electroacupuncture (also known as E-stim) is a method of treatment where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles that have been inserted into acupuncture points on the patient's body. The method is particularly useful for treating pain and to speed up the healing process.


ACUPRESSURE: Acupressure is the use of acupuncture points without needles. The points are stimulated by the practitioner's fingers and may be used to compliment a treatment, or as a treatment unto itself. Patients may also learn certain points and be taught to deliver acupressure to themselves.


MEDICAL QI GONG: The oldest branch of Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong (pronounced Chee-Gong) is both an exercise practice as well as a treatment modality. Medical Qi Gong treatments use the principles of Chinese Medicine; the practitioner directs and affects the patient's energy without inserting needles, but rather with the mind, hands, or a contact needle. Treatments often involve minimal physical contact.


LIFESTYLE / NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING: Patient and Practitioner work together to reflect on the patient's lifestyle and nutritional options and choose the foods and exercises are best suited to the patient. Additional environmental factors are often discussed.

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